Liturgical ministries: interested in serving? Please contact the parish office to volunteer.
Altar Server
Altar Servers assist the celebrant throughout the mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and special feasts. Altar Servers may be boy or girls, and must have received their first communion. They must also be registered in and regularly attend Religious Education classes at St. Malachy or be a student at a local diocesan or parochial school.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the celebrant in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the congregation during masses on Sundays, Holy Days, and other special feasts. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions. It can be immensely spiritually rewarding.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Infirm
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Infirm assist the pastor in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to home-bound or hospitalized members of the parish and involves regularly visiting and praying with the infirm. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions.
Lectors proclaim the scripture readings, other than the gospel, to the assembled faithful so as to reveal the power of God’s Word. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions. The process of preparing to proclaim the word of God requires a significant commitment of time, which can also provide a great spiritual benefit to the Lector. Lectors are needed for Sunday, Holy Day, and weekday masses.
Music is a vital part to the celebration of the liturgy on Sundays, Holy Days, and special feasts. Music lifts our spirits and draws us closer to God. As Saint Augustine said, "cantare amantis est ... Singing belongs to one who loves." Cantors, musicians and choir members are needed. We currently have three choirs: the Traditional Choir, the Contemporary Choir, and the Childrens’ Choir.
Sacristans prepare the church for the celebration of Mass and put everything back in place after Mass. Before Mass they fill the ciboria, ready the chalice, make sure the books used for the readings and Mass parts are properly set, turn on the lights and microphone, and generally make themselves available for whatever other tasks need be done. Sacristans are especially helpful to visiting priests. They inform the priest of our local procedures so that the celebration of Mass goes smoothly. They provide a wonderful ministry for the celebrant by taking care of all the details so that he is able to prepare mentally and spiritually for Mass.
The job of an Usher include: handing out bulletins at the beginning and end of Mass, invite parishioners to bring up the gifts if there are no volunteers, assist in seating the elderly and handicapped as well as in general when the church becomes crowded. Ushers collect the monetary gifts during the offertory as well as assist in movement during the procession for Communion in addition to collection of monetary gifts at the end of the mass and logging them into the safe for staff processing. Must be 18 or over. Click here or visit to join this needed ministry of service.
Altar Servers assist the celebrant throughout the mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and special feasts. Altar Servers may be boy or girls, and must have received their first communion. They must also be registered in and regularly attend Religious Education classes at St. Malachy or be a student at a local diocesan or parochial school.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the celebrant in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the congregation during masses on Sundays, Holy Days, and other special feasts. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions. It can be immensely spiritually rewarding.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Infirm
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Infirm assist the pastor in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to home-bound or hospitalized members of the parish and involves regularly visiting and praying with the infirm. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions.
Lectors proclaim the scripture readings, other than the gospel, to the assembled faithful so as to reveal the power of God’s Word. This ministry requires attendance at scheduled training sessions. The process of preparing to proclaim the word of God requires a significant commitment of time, which can also provide a great spiritual benefit to the Lector. Lectors are needed for Sunday, Holy Day, and weekday masses.
Music is a vital part to the celebration of the liturgy on Sundays, Holy Days, and special feasts. Music lifts our spirits and draws us closer to God. As Saint Augustine said, "cantare amantis est ... Singing belongs to one who loves." Cantors, musicians and choir members are needed. We currently have three choirs: the Traditional Choir, the Contemporary Choir, and the Childrens’ Choir.
Sacristans prepare the church for the celebration of Mass and put everything back in place after Mass. Before Mass they fill the ciboria, ready the chalice, make sure the books used for the readings and Mass parts are properly set, turn on the lights and microphone, and generally make themselves available for whatever other tasks need be done. Sacristans are especially helpful to visiting priests. They inform the priest of our local procedures so that the celebration of Mass goes smoothly. They provide a wonderful ministry for the celebrant by taking care of all the details so that he is able to prepare mentally and spiritually for Mass.
The job of an Usher include: handing out bulletins at the beginning and end of Mass, invite parishioners to bring up the gifts if there are no volunteers, assist in seating the elderly and handicapped as well as in general when the church becomes crowded. Ushers collect the monetary gifts during the offertory as well as assist in movement during the procession for Communion in addition to collection of monetary gifts at the end of the mass and logging them into the safe for staff processing. Must be 18 or over. Click here or visit to join this needed ministry of service.