The immune system is a very important part of our bodies.
It is in reality, your army, your system that fights against invasion by bacteria and viruses and other attackers. As we age, our immune system commonly becomes less effective. Are there things we can do to help our immune system be more effective? The answer is yes. A number of simple things can be helpful. Eating healthy is a good place to start. Adequate fluid intake is important. Getting enough sleep is also helpful. Decreasing stress is another idea. The good news is these ideas help more than just the immune system, they can be helpful in lots of different ways. If you are taking medications that suppress the immune system (such as steroids like Prednisone) or have chronic illness or are receiving cancer treatment, your immune system is affected. This then affects how your body responds to an infection. You are at higher risk from an infection than others. That is a hot issue currently with the Covid-19 infections. Regardless of your status, all of us can benefit by focusing on ways to be healthier. Basics like eating healthy, getting appropriate fluids, sleeping well and decreasing stress are good places to start. St. Malachy Church has a Faith Community Nurse Ministry available to you. If you would like to speak with a nurse, contact the Church office.